Helen Parrish Capital Reserve Fund (Helen's Fund)

Current Policy for Helen's Fund
(Music Credits: "Beautiful Things." Writers: Lisa Gungor, Michael Gungor. Used with permission, Lic. 624635.)
The Helen Parrish Capital Reserve Fund
Updated December 13, 2018

We are excited about the new energy in our church, and the movement of God's Spirit! This energy pushes us to tackle some facility improvement projects which have been needed for a long time.

The first is our Restroom Improvement Project, and this is the first of many!

Your church wants your help. We do not want to throw a fundraiser every time there is a significant financial need.

Updating facilities is a regular part of church life. We believe that this should be planned for.

We also have approximately $539,000 in debt. We believe it's the right thing to have a plan to pay this debt down.

So with the guidance of our pastors, our Administrative Council has established a new fund, The Helen Parrish Capital Reserve Fund. We call it Helen's Fund for short.

Helen Parrish was a faithful follower of Jesus and a constant servant in our church.
• The spiritual investments she made in so many of us are still growing today.
• She was faithful not just for the short-term but for the long-haul.
• We want to continue living in that spirit of ministry that reaps benefits for the long-haul

This is a special fund set aside to provide for major building repairs and improvements and to help pay down the church's debt.

Here's how it works: when you give to Helen's Fund, 10% of the donation will be used to pay down the debt of the church. 90% of the donation will be set aside for major capital improvements to our physical campus.

We all benefit so much from the fruit of generations that have gone before us, to give us an incredible physical campus for our church home. Giving to Helen's Fund will ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy this as their church home for many years to come. Like Helen Parrish who has gone before us, we are Growing the Legacy of Love.

Thank you for your support.

If you are considering a legacy gift to Helen's Fund as part of your estate planning, please contact the church office for more information.

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Clanton First United Methodist Church • 207 8th Street North • Clanton, Alabama 35045 • 205.755.0490 • DMCA-1026051 CCLI# 11102681